Top React Native Libraries You Should Try


React Native is one of the most popular frameworks for building cross-platform mobile applications. Known for its efficiency, flexibility, and ability to reuse code between iOS and Android platforms, React Native helps developers create high-quality mobile applications more quickly. The extensive libraries that are accessible to developers further improve their capabilities. These libraries simplify the development process, improve the app’s features, and improve user experience. 

Discover the top React Native libraries for app development and how to choose the right one for your project.

What is a React Native Library 

A React Native library is a collection of pre-built components, utilities, and functions that can significantly speed up the process of building mobile applications. These libraries save time and effort by offering reusable components, eliminating the need to write repetitious code from scratch. Integrating these libraries allows you to easily add features, improve UI/UX, or optimize app performance without spending extensive hours manually coding everything. They boost development efficiency, provide better app performance, and provide smooth functionality.

Now, let’s explore some of the top React Native libraries you should try and how they can improve your development process.

Top React Native Libraries

Some of the top React native libraries are : 

React Native Maps

React Native Maps is a widely used library that empowers developers to implement interactive maps in their mobile apps. It integrates both Google and Apple Maps, making it versatile for cross-platform development.


  • The product supports both Google Maps and Apple Maps and provides detailed customization options, such as markers, polygons, and routes.
  • React Native Maps is excellent for real-time navigation apps.
  • It shows high performance on both iOS and Android.


  • The initial setup can be tricky for beginners.
  • Performance may need to improve when handling many markers or complex maps.


  • Free and open-source under the MIT license.

React Native Elements

React Native Elements is an all-in-one UI library that provides customizable components. It’s a go-to library for quickly creating sleek, professional-looking user interfaces.


  • It has many pre-styled components (buttons, icons, inputs, etc.).
  • Easy customization and theming.
  • Cross-platform consistency.
  • It is actively maintained with excellent community support.


  • Default styles may not fit every project, requiring significant customization.
  • Some components may need more advanced customization compared to other libraries.


  • It is free and open-source for individual use but costs $19 for more than one user.

React Native Camera

React Native Camera provides rich features for integrating camera functionality into your React Native apps. It supports photo and video capture, barcode scanning, face detection, and more.


  • Supports camera functionalities for both iOS and Android.
  • Built-in support for barcode scanning, text recognition, and face detection.
  • It’s easy to use with a simple API, giving developers confidence in its implementation.
  • Active community and regular updates.


  • Performance issues may arise with older devices.
  • It’s a slightly complex setup, especially with native linking.


  • Free and open-source.

React Native Firebase

React Native Firebase is a powerful library that helps integrate Firebase services into React Native apps. Firebase offers authentication, real-time databases, analytics, and cloud messaging services.


  • An extensive range of Firebase services is supported (Analytics, Auth, Firestore, etc.).
  • Real-time data syncing.
  • Great for building scalable and secure apps.
  • Easy cloud integration.


  • Firebase may be overkill for smaller applications.
  • It requires an understanding of Firebase-specific architecture, which can take some learning.


  • Free to use with Firebase’s free tier, but additional charges apply based on usage (Firebase pricing varies depending on the service).

React Native Formik

React Native Formik is a popular open-source library that simplifies form handling and validation in React Native applications. It provides an intuitive way to build forms, manage state, handle user inputs, and validate data while maintaining a clean code structure. 


  • Formik simplifies complex form tasks like validation, submission, and state management.
  • Formik minimizes the code needed to manage forms, allowing developers to focus on building user interfaces.
  • It integrates with validation libraries like Yup, making implementing rules to form inputs easier.


  • Developers new to Formik may need time to understand its API and best practices fully.
  • Although Yup is optional, using it for validation can introduce an extra dependency that some developers may want to avoid.


Formik is a free, open-source library that can be freely integrated into any React Native project without any licensing fees or usage costs. 

React Native Paper

React Native Paper is a popular UI library for React Native applications that provides a collection of customizable, ready-to-use Material Design components. It helps developers create visually appealing and consistent user interfaces that follow Google’s Material Design guidelines. The library includes components like buttons, cards, text inputs, and more, making it easier to build both iOS and Android apps with a cohesive look and feel.


  • It is compatible with both iOS and Android, making it versatile for hybrid app development.
  • It follows Material Design standards, providing a clean and professional look across different devices.


  • It may require some additional learning to master the library’s API and customization options.
  • React Native Paper using too many library components can lead to slightly slower app performance than native solutions.


React Native Paper is free to use, and you can contribute to its development on GitHub. However, there may be costs associated with development resources and paid developers.

Nachos UI

Nachos UI is a UI component library that offers easy-to-use and customizable React Native components. It provides pre-built elements such as buttons, avatars, badges, and more, helping you build polished interfaces faster.


  • Over 30 customizable components.
  • Easily integrates with any React Native project.
  • Minimal setup required.
  • Lightweight and optimized for performance.


  • Limited customization options compared to more extensive UI libraries.
  • It is more actively maintained than some other libraries.


  • Free and open-source.

React Native UI Kitten

React Native UI Kitten is a popular open-source library that focuses on bringing consistency in design across platforms. It offers a wide array of customizable UI components, designed with the concept of “the ability” which allows you to switch between dark and light modes easily, providing a unique design feature for your app.


  • Full customization and theming options.
  • Consistent design language across iOS and Android.
  • Active community and detailed documentation.
  • Built-in support for dark mode and other themes.


  • Default styles may require minor changes for unique design requirements.
  • More complex apps may need additional customization.


  • Free and open-source.

React Native Gifted Chat

React Native Gifted Chat is a library designed to create chat UIs in React Native applications. It comes with features like message bubbles, avatars, input toolbars, and more, making implementing a fully functional chat system in your app easy.


  • Quick implementation of chat UI with minimal setup.
  • Customizable message bubbles and chat components.
  • Support for message input, avatars, typing indicators, and more.
  • Active development and well-documented.


  • Limited advanced features (e.g., media sharing) out of the box.
  • It may require additional customization for highly complex chat features.


  • Free and open-source.


Galio is another UI library that offers a collection of beautiful, responsive components. It is highly customizable and can be used to build sleek and modern interfaces for mobile applications.


  • Great for building modern and aesthetically pleasing UI designs.
  • Easy to integrate and use with any React Native app.
  • Responsive and customizable components.
  • Regular updates and strong community support.


  • It may not be ideal for projects needing highly specific or unique UI components.
  • It has a slightly smaller component library compared to other UI kits.


Galio offers a demo version, a premium package priced at $89, and also provides a personalized enterprise version and plan.


React Native libraries are essential tools that significantly enhance your app development process. Whether you’re looking to integrate maps, chat functionality, or build a stunning UI, there’s a library to fit your needs. Using these libraries saves time, reduces development costs, and ensures your app delivers a seamless and feature-rich user experience.

Each of the libraries mentioned above—React Native Maps, React Native Elements, React Native Camera, React Native Firebase, Nachos UI, React Native UI Kitten, React Native Gifted Chat, and Galio—offers unique advantages that can fit different project requirements. While they come with their respective pros and cons, their open-source nature and community support make them invaluable assets for any React Native developer.

Choose the libraries that align best with your project’s goals, and watch your React Native apps come to life with efficiency and style.

Muhammad Mustafa

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