
Why Use Flutter? Pros and Cons of Flutter App Development in 2024


When it comes to mobile app development, the use of flexible frameworks is essential to effectiveness and efficiency. Flutter is one such framework that has become popular. This article dives into the “pros and cons of Flutter app development,” exploring its benefits and drawbacks in the current development scene.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is a cross-platform framework, developed by Google, creating mobile, desktop, and web apps. As a cross-platform technology, it enables developers to utilize a single codebase for both mobile platforms. Its web iteration is in beta, while the desktop version is in alpha.

Introduced by Google as an open-source framework in 2015, Flutter underwent a beta phase until its official launch as Flutter 1.0 by the conclusion of 2018, rendering it relatively new in the development landscape. Leveraging Dart as its programming language, Flutter is both free and open-source.

With its user base steadily expanding, Flutter boasts over 100,000 apps developed, as per Google’s data. Its appeal lies in its streamlined deployment process and comprehensive toolkit, encompassing a rendering engine, an array of pre-built and intuitive widgets, testing and integration APIs, and command-line tools.

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Introduction of Flutter

Why use Flutter to develop your mobile app?

You might already be using apps made with Flutter without even knowing it, like Alibaba and Google Ads.

Flutter is popular among developers, with over 100,000 apps already used. But is it the best choice for you?

Flutter could be great if you’re making a basic version of your app (called an MVP). It lets you quickly create Android and iOS apps without making separate versions for each. Flutter is good for you if you’re a new company, like to try new things, and don’t have lots of money.

It’s also suitable for big companies that want their app to look unique. With Flutter, you can make your app on one system, and it will still look like it belongs on both Android and iOS.

But there are other ways to make apps that work on both systems, like React Native and Xamarin, that might also be good for you.

Why Use Flutter? Pros and Cons of Flutter App Development

Understanding the merits and demerits of Flutter is vital for developers weighing their options in the competitive app development domain. Let’s explore the advantages and limitations of Flutter below.

Pros of Flutter

Advantages of Flutter

Single Codebase:

Flutter’s single codebase approach simplifies the development process by allowing developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms. This reduces duplication of effort and ensures consistency across different platforms, leading to easier maintenance and updates.

With a unified codebase, developers can streamline their workflow, debug issues more efficiently, and deliver a cohesive user experience across all supported platforms.

Reduced Development Time:

Flutter’s most notable advantage is its hot reload feature, which lets developers instantly view code changes without restarting the app or losing its state. This rapid iteration process accelerates development cycles, promotes agile development practices, and fosters collaboration among team members.

Developers can quickly experiment with different designs, features, and functionalities, leading to faster iteration cycles and shorter time-to-market for their apps.


Flutter’s performance is attributed to its compiled programming language (Dart) and a custom UI framework that facilitates efficient rendering and animation. The framework’s layered architecture and optimized rendering engine contribute to minimal UI jank, fast startup times, and smooth animations, resulting in a responsive and immersive user experience.

Flutter apps exhibit native-like performance characteristics, making them suitable for demanding use cases and resource-intensive applications.

Rich UI Experience:

Flutter offers a rich set of customizable widgets and tools for building beautiful, interactive user interfaces. Developers have fine-grained control over every UI aspect, allowing them to create pixel-perfect designs that adhere to platform-specific design guidelines.

Flutter’s flexible layout system, animation support, and material design principles empower developers to craft visually stunning and intuitive user experiences that resonate with users and drive engagement.

Access To Native Features:

Flutter provides access to platform-specific APIs and native features through plugins, enabling developers to integrate device functionalities into their applications flawlessly. Whether it’s accessing the camera, sensors, location services, or platform-specific UI components, Flutter’s plugin ecosystem offers a wide range of pre-built solutions that simplify the integration process and enhance app capabilities.

This smooth integration with native features enables developers to leverage the full potential of the underlying platform while maintaining a unified codebase.

Ecosystem and Community:

Flutter boasts a vibrant and growing community of developers, contributors, and enthusiasts who actively contribute to its ecosystem. The Flutter community is known for its collaborative spirit, knowledge sharing, and continuous improvement of the framework.

With an extensive collection of packages, libraries, and resources available on platforms like, developers can leverage existing solutions, seek help from the community, and accelerate their development efforts. This rich ecosystem fosters innovation, reduces development effort, and enhances the overall developer experience with Flutter.

Cross-Platform Development:

Flutter’s cross-platform capabilities enable developers to target multiple platforms with a single codebase, maximizing code reuse and minimizing platform-specific development efforts. By sharing a common codebase for Android, iOS, web, and desktop platforms, developers can reach a broader audience, reduce development costs, and simplify the app deployment process.

Furthermore, Its platform-agnostic nature empowers developers to build consistent and cohesive experiences across diverse devices and form factors, ensuring a seamless user experience regardless of the platform.

Cons of Flutter

Disadvantages of Flutter

Relatively New Framework:

Despite its rapid growth and adoption, Flutter is still considered a relatively new framework compared to more established alternatives like React Native. As a result, there may be uncertainties regarding long-term support, stability, and industry acceptance. Some developers may hesitate to adopt Flutter for critical projects due to concerns about future compatibility, ecosystem maturity, and the availability of skilled talent. While Google’s backing provides reassurance, the framework’s relative novelty may pose risks for risk-averse organizations or projects with stringent requirements.

Flutter Large App Size:

Flutter apps tend to have larger file sizes compared to their native counterparts due to the inclusion of the Flutter engine and framework. This can increase download and installation times, especially in regions with limited connectivity or users with storage constraints. Developers need to optimize their Flutter apps to minimize app size and improve performance, considering factors like asset management, code splitting, and resource bundling.

Balancing performance and app size is crucial for ensuring a smooth user experience and maximizing app reach, particularly in limited bandwidth and device storage markets.

Platform-Specific Limitations:

While Flutter aims for platform parity, certain platform-specific features and behaviors may be challenging to replicate accurately. Developers may need help implementing platform-specific functionalities or UI patterns, leading to suboptimal user experiences on specific devices or operating systems. Addressing platform-specific nuances requires careful consideration and additional development effort to ensure platform compatibility and consistency.

Despite Flutter’s comprehensive widget library and cross-platform capabilities, developers should be mindful of platform-specific guidelines and limitations to deliver a cohesive, platform-appropriate user experience.

Limited Libraries:

Despite Flutter’s growing ecosystem, there may be gaps in available libraries and third-party packages compared to more mature frameworks. Developers may encounter situations where specialized or niche functionalities are not readily available as pre-built solutions, necessitating custom development or reliance on external dependencies with varying levels of quality and support.

Evaluating the availability and suitability of libraries for specific project requirements is essential for maximizing development efficiency and minimizing dependency risks. While Flutter’s ecosystem continues to expand, developers should be prepared to contribute to or create custom solutions when off-the-shelf options are limited or unavailable.


Flutter presents a compelling option for mobile app development with its array of benefits, including a single codebase, rapid growth, superior performance, rich UI capabilities, access to native features, a thriving ecosystem, and cross-platform compatibility. However, developers must also consider its drawbacks, such as its relative novelty, app size, platform-specific limitations, and the availability of libraries. Ultimately, the decision to adopt Flutter should be informed by thoroughly evaluating its pros and cons in alignment with project requirements and objectives.

At Canadian Software Agency, we have a team of accomplished Flutter developers ready to help you with the next project. With years of experience in mobile app development and several satisfied clients, we have a remarkable record in the region. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today.

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